Plum Village Songs

Enjoy streaming classic Plum Village songs or learning to play them with our video tutorials!  There are song lyrics to some of our favorites, too.

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Plum Village Song Tutorials

This series of casual music tutorials was made here at Plum Village. Joe Holtaway is a singer songwriter from England who has worked with Wake Up Schools since 2016. He prepared these video tutorials with the help of Yvonne Mazurek, also of Wake Up Schools.

Song Lyrics


Breathing in, breathing out

Breathing in, breathing out; breathing in, breathing out;
I am blooming as a flower; I am fresh as the dew.
I am solid as a mountain, I am firm as the earth; I am free.

Breathing in, breathing out; breathing in, breathing out;
I am water, reflecting what is real, what is true,
and I feel there is space deep inside of me;
I am free, I am free, I am free.

Dear Friends

Dear friends, dear friends,
Let me tell you how I feel.
You have given me such treasure,
I love you so.

Happiness Is Here and Now

Happiness is here and now, I have dropped my worries.
Nowhere to go, nothing to do, no longer in a hurry.
Happiness is here and now, I have dropped my worries
Somewhere to go, something to do, but I don’t need to hurry.

I Have Arrived

I have arrived, I am home,
in the here and in the now.
I have arrived, I am home,
In the here and in the now.
I am solid, I am free,
I am solid, I am free,
in the ultimate I dwell,
in the ultimate I dwell.

I Like the Roses
I like the roses. I like the daffodils.
I like the mountains. I like the rolling hills.
I like the twinkling stars when the sun goes down.
Du-bee-dee, du-bee-dee, du-bee-dee, du-bee-dee
du-bee-dee, du-bee-dee, du-bee-dee, du-bee-dee… dum

These resources are currently available only in English, but we would like to include more languages in the future.  Your ideas and feedback are warmly welcome: