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The Miracle of Mindfulness UK
August 24, 2015 - August 29, 2015
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The Community of Interbeing (our network of mindfulness communities in the Thich Nhat Hanh tradition in the UK) and Wake Up UK are delighted to offer a monastic-led retreat “The Miracle of Mindfulness” in Stourbridge, West Midlands from 24th to 29th August. This retreat is suitable for all ages and for all those interested in practising mindfulness – whether you have previous experience or not.
There will be daily talks by the monastics and opportunities to enjoy sitting and walking meditation, mindful eating and discussion. As part of the retreat, Wake Up UK will be running a Wake Up programme for 16-35(ish) year olds. Young monastics and peer practitioners will facilitate activities which will run in parallel with the general schedule.
As well as offering daily dharma talks, our monastic brothers and sisters will be offering their wisdom, practice and peaceful presence in all aspects of the retreat, which will include programmes for under-5s, children up to 13, teenagers and young adults.
The daily programme will include dharma talks, morning and evening meditation, walking meditation outdoors, mindful mealtimes, discussion groups and moments of silence (even the very youngest children practice being quiet quite well).
There will also be an opportunity to receive the 5 and 14 Mindfulness Trainings.
We hope you will join us at Stourbridge this summer, for a time to stop, and to relax. By letting go of work and worries, we learn ways to practice the miracle of mindfulness and cultivate healthy habits for facing the stresses and strains we all encounter in our daily lives.