Applications are now open for:
The One-Year Wake Up Schools Level II Training Program for
English-speaking Educators from the Americas
Sponsored by Wake Up Schools
Now Accepting Applications until the end of January for 2023

Wake Up Schools training consists of three levels.
Level I training is focused on Taking Care of Oneself, learning the Plum Village basic practices in an educators retreat in the Plum Village tradition or a Wake Up Schools Level I Training course.
Level II training involves participating in a one-year cohort with Wake Up Schools Level III trainees, and/or lay Dharma Teacher, or Order of Interbeing member, giving practice lessons, and sharing about your practice with students and/or educators.
Level III training involves some or all of: working as a Level II facilitator, facilitating the Happy Teacher Sangha of the Americas, and assisting Dharma Teachers with Level I retreats
The Wake Up Schools Level II training program couples cohorts of school teachers, counselors, and administrators; academics; and other educators residing in North America with Level III trainees, and/or lay Dharma Teachers or Order of Interbeing members from the Plum Village tradition to participate in monthly mentoring meetings. With the support of Thich Nhat Hanh and Katherine Weare’s book Happy Teachers Change the World: A Guide for Cultivating Mindfulness in Education, mentoring will focus on offering basic Plum Village practices: being with the breath, listening to the bell, sitting, walking, coming home to the body (e.g. total relaxation and mindful movement), mindful eating, practicing with strong emotions (e.g. belly breathing and being with anger) and being together (e.g. sharing and beginning anew) to students and/or other educators.
Educators (classroom teachers, school counselors, school administrators, and academics) who have:
- participated in a five-day in-person retreat in the Plum Village tradition, an in-person Educators Retreat in the Plum Village tradition or an in-person Wake Up Schools Level I Training
- received and practiced with the Five Mindfulness Trainings for at least one year
- and actively participated with a Sangha in the Plum Village tradition for at least the past year
are invited to apply by downloading the attached application, filling it out electronically, and sending it as an attachment to accompanied by:
- The name and phone number of your Sangha contact person as a reference for you.
- One letter from a school or university administrator or program supervisor recommending your participation in the Wake Up Schools Level II Program.
- One letter from a professional colleague recommending your participation in the Wake Up Schools Level II Program.
Applications and supporting letters should be sent by the end of January 2023.
We seek applicants with a breadth and depth of experience from diverse personal and school backgrounds.
Level II specifically calls for participation in a one-year program with Level III trainees, and/or a lay Dharma Teacher or Order of Interbeing members from the Plum Village tradition, giving practice lessons, and sharing about your practice with students and/or educators.
Mentees are expected to participate in a minimum of nine, one-hour mentor-mentee meetings, which take place the second Wednesday of each month from 7:00 to 8:00 pm Eastern Time beginning February 8th. Meetings will utilize Zoom. Prior experience with Zoom is not a requirement.
Upon completion of these requirements, prior to receiving a Certificate of Commitment from Wake Up Schools, mentees will submit the following:
- A letter about her/his Level II training experience
- Two letters from students and/or educators who have benefitted from mindfulness teaching of the mentee
- Letter(s) from the mentee’s mentor(s)
Mentors will determine which mentees in their group will be invited to continue to Level III.
There is no charge for those selected to participate in this program. Those who wish to do so are invited to contribute dana to the Thich Nhat Hanh Hanh Foundation and add a note to say that it is for Wake Up Schools.
To apply, download the attached application, fill it out electronically, and send it as an attachment to by the end of January. We are sorry that we are unable to accept applications from educators living outside of the Americas.